Saturday, September 20, 2008

"My class is so cool!"

I've been back with my students for a little over two weeks now. The "back-to-school" days with my students have been absolutely great. I have the same core group of students as last year, I have one new girl and three students left the class. Because I know them already so well, we've been able to get right back to work...and play.

My students and I often share humorous stories at lunch time. The other day, a fifth grader told this joke:
A conversation between husband and wife:
Wife: "When I die will you find another wife?"
Husband: "No, of course not my dear, you are my soul mate."
Wife: "But I want you to be happy. Promise me you'll move on and find another companion."
Husband: (reluctantly) "OK, I promise."
Wife: "Will your new wife sleep in our bed?"
Husband: "Um I suppose so..."
Wife: "You mean she'll use our bathroom and even my closet?"
Husband: "Yeah, probably."
Wife: "Will you even let her use my golf clubs?"
Husband: "No, she's a lefty."
Ha ha ha!

Another day, I don't remember how we got on the subject, we were talking about marshmallows and I decided to try to convince my students that the big round plastic-covered hay bales were giant marshmallows on a marshmallow farm. I had the idea when Bo and I were driving through Québec this summer and I saw many fields strewn with such hay bales. I wanted to take a picture but didn't have batteries for the camera or something. My students were incredulous but because they trust me so much they started doubting their own doubts and pointed out that marshmallows have no seeds. I told them that one needs only to plant some mini-marshmallows and they would grow.

Then one student asked how long they would take to grow and I told them that if they planted them now, unfortunately they wouldn't live to see their crop as it takes about 100 years for marshmallows to sprout. With a big grin on my face I just kept insisting and you could tell they didn't quite know what to think. They knew it was impossible, but they wanted to believe me. It was really funny and quite endearing at the same time.

I also read aloud to them from time to time the tales and misadventures of Le Petit Nicolas. He's the main character and narrator in a series of very funny French children's books. Nicolas says about his teacher "She's so nice and so pretty when we're not being rascals!" If he were talking about my class he'd say: "Elle est drôlement chouette ma classe!"

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