Wednesday, July 18, 2007

8 Random Facts

Shabbydoll, my dear friend and inspirational blog mentor from afar tagged me…I am therefore, according to the laws of blogosphere, obligated to tell you 8 random facts about myself. Hope you’re entertained! (Shabbydoll—your #6 blew my mind!)

1) I am a total snob about chocolate, beer, and bagels (among other things). Only the best for Bijou.

2) As you will see, I am somewhat less of a snob about movies…I’m proud to admit that I own Grease and Grease 2 on VHS. (Believe it or not, I own Kingpin on VHS and DVD—ahem, not so proud!)

3) Again with the movie theme, I can just about recite Grease, Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club by heart along with my favorite onscreen characters!

4) Moving violations: I was pulled over for speeding three times in the last twelve months and once for a blown out headlight, and although all the charges were reduced or cleared, I paid almost $400 in fines. I haven’t had a year like that since 1993. Just call me "Leadfoot"...

5) I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. Great party trick, until you’ve seen it a thousand times.

6) I LOVE “Secret Santa” gift giving at work. My last job didn’t have it and that gave me the blues.

7) I have six holes pierced in my ears: four in the left and two in the right. I’m not sure why.

8) Similarly, I have a tattoo that only goes half-way around my left ankle. Did I think that being asymmetrical would make me cool or non-conformist or something? (No, just cock-eyed actually, but this could explain why I keep walking in circles…)

I’m tagging whitneyarlene and dougfine. Go get ‘em!

1 comment:

  1. OMG Julie ... next time I see you we will have to tie knots together! I am the only person I know with this skill set up till now (except that girl from Twin Peaks).

