Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Splendor in the leaves

Bo and I had the most lovely Saturday. One of the great things about life in the city is getting away from the city from time to time. We went for a hike and then zipped around and visited a few parks featuring waterfalls in the Lanaudière region of Quebec, about two hours from Montréal. The sky was crisp and blue. The temperature was around 50 degrees. The surroundings were beautiful, but breathing the fresh fall air was the best part!

The drive was gorgeous. Once we were off the island of Montréal, it was as if we were traveling in a tunnel of fall colors!

On the way up we saw this cool hollowed-out old tree that looked as if it had a zipper in it:

When we reached the top of the mountain, the trail was bordered on both sides by a crunchy carpet of lichens and mosses that manage to grow on the rocky crests.

We ate lunch at the top of the mountain as we looked out over the lake down below. As we headed down the other side of the mountain we were treated to many more views of the lake. I love birch trees!!!

Twenty-five years ago, Bo, with a crew of other young woodsy people, helped a pair of lumberjacks build this little log cabin. We were happy to find a group of five campers not only enjoying it, but also doing some needed cleaning.

After making our way back to the car, we traveled through a few tiny villages before visiting these waterfalls. The sun was rather low in the sky and my legs were like jello from the hike, but I enjoyed the falls nonetheless.

The summer that Bo worked on the cabin, he went swimming here once. It's strictly verboten these days.
Looking up at the sky...Looking down at the ground...

Last stop, another spectacular waterfall.

We were so happy all day long. Good thing we took advantage of this amazing day: there's snow in the forecast for tomorrow.

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